BE THE LIGHT IMPORTANT This articlepresents the idea that sometimes Lightworkers take a dark role to help achieve the overall planetary goal. Sometimes they alternate the roles they play in a lifetime. People have played alternate roles throughout history, to assist the learning for souls in a duality system of learning. For us to be able to see when this happens and avoid dropping into limited 3D judgement and lowering our light, we have to hold a broader view of the overall goal for the growth of souls when they incarnate into 3D. It's not always easy for us to see the higher reason why something is occurring and we need to go by intuition and trust until we finally see it. What you will read ahead to possibly such an instance. You decide for yourself.
ARTICLE A friend just brought to my attention a petition on against Bill Gates. A good action enahncing people power. But
regardless of anything being true or not, it really is time for EVERY
Lightworker on Earth to stop judging - anything!! Be discerning
(essential) but stop judging. Judgment takes us into the mud of 3D
beliefs and dense energy patterns and plays into the hands of those
whose intent is to control. It lowers our vibration and makes us less
effective. I figure we don’t hear things by accident and everything
offers us something. For me, hearing this about Bill Gates prompted the
importance of the need for Lightworkers to rise above 3D judgements and
to continue to 100% hold the light. I know every Lightworker on Earth is
in a different space regarding their understanding of our overall
purpose here and we are all working out how to best deal with things in
a spiritual way. Each are learning how to follow their intuition and we
are all in different places regarding how much we’ve released from our
emotional and mental bodies. All these things play a part in how we feel
and handle things in life. So,
let’s look at this specific issue of Bill Gates, as an example. I have
mentioned him before and always acknowledged him as a major lightworker
I hear the gasps of disbelief already. (‘No judgement there then’?)
Quite a few lightworkers have judged Bill Gates purely based on the fact
he promotes, finances and organizes vaccines. Most of us have researched
the subject of vaccines and being intuitive have come to the conclusion
that the extensive use of chemicals hits the immune system and is
detrimental to human life. Although we are usually aware that originally
some vaccines were useful. The first vaccination created by Edward
Jenner’s in 1796 used material from cowpox pustules to successfully
handle smallpox, a method used as early as 1000CE in China. However, the
content of that vaccine is a thousand miles away from the chemical
combinations used today.
Incidentally, we know the current global situation on Earth with the
advent of the Coronavirus is part of the Divine Plan to reflect back to
humanity ‘where it is at’ - offering them a chance to change. It
includes every facet of life that needs reflection and truth to be
brought to it. Many areas were mentioned in my last message (see website
Articles Page). So, obviously, it was going to include vaccinations –
and that one needed to be right in our face – as it’s an area being
ignored by much of humanity who blindly believe the authorities and
proceed with vaccines without questions or research, allowing multiple
vaccines to be given to tiny children and not giving sufficient counter
information to the elderly who have been driven by fear into have super
strength flu shots. And we have permitted governments to introduce the
withholding of benefits and schooling to unvaccinated children – a move
stopping just short of being compulsory - but, in fact, is virtually
compulsory for many who feel unable to avoid it. Yes,
Bill Gate promotes vaccines and probably on a 3D conscious level he truly believes vaccines are an effective answer to many illnesses.
(As we know, many people think the same.) We know everything we each do
has a higher purpose and we are all passionate about the work we came to
Earth to do. I am sure he is no exception. We don’t always know the
higher role of what we do (and we don’t need to), we just know it feels
right. That’s often all we have to go by. It is certainly all that is
needed. Many lightworkers take on adversary roles. Not easy. Who knows
how vital the role was that Judas played in what was needed for Jesus’
Divine higher plan. Forever since then Judas has been cast as the
villain. Quite a role to take on.
Incidentally, it is claimed Bill Gates has Aspergers, which may help
explain his tunnel vision. But Aspergers and that tunnel vision may also
greatly assist in bringing public awareness to Vaccines (which he is
successfully doing). Aspergers - an individual with Aspergers Syndrome,
a form of autism, has a willingness to obsess and an interest in
systems. It frees them from an attachment to social conventions and are
able to create innovative businesses amid a culture that discourages
daring entrepreneurship. A child with Aspergers may develop an obsessive
interest in one narrow subject area, and be completely unaware that the
rest of the world does not share this interest. Yes,
the Gates Foundation (Bill Gates) is 100% pro-vaccinations. In fact,
Bill Gates mentions it every chance he gets. He was on the Ellen
DeGeneres show last week (high viewing figures). And have a look at the
statistics at the end of this article - compiled by The Times newspaper
and Zignal Labs (media analysis). Now multi millions of people are
really aware of ‘vaccines’! And now that they know, they can choose
whether to allow this to continue. People power. United we stand.
And looking at the amount of 3D judgement occurring in those
viewing figures given; let’s hope Lightworkers are countering 3D
judgement with LIGHT. As
we know, humanity is now in the process of having a supersized mirror
held up to it to show facets of life where we have departed from the
natural order of things. To achieve it requires a massive exposure and
unveiling of truth in hundreds of areas. This will offer humanity the
opportunity to review and reassess. These areas include the demise of
personal and national freedoms; allowing governments to control us;
complacency; letting pharmaceutical and big business industry take over;
the radiation effects of 5G; vaccinations; food chemicalization and many
other hidden agendas. Most of these things were already known by some
people - who have tried their best to get that information out to the
public. The courage and determination to speak out (e.g. Wikileaks) has,
in fact, created the basis that has permitted the current level of
exposure to reach the general population. How
exciting we are here to witness this happening here - right now - in
this time frame. But you
may ask - didn’t we also have Mac Apple computers created by Steve Jobs?
Yes, we did. In 1984 - a year ahead of the introduction of Windows -
Steve Jobs released the Apple Mac computer. So, he had a year ahead of
Windows PC to get computers out there around the world in a form a
layman could quickly understand and use. But that is not what happened.
The Apple Mac was very expensive and although offering better graphics
more suited to education and media – it was not user friendly and did
not permit other compatible software to be added. So, despite being
released a year later, Windows 3.1 took over the market from Apple and
reduced it to 3rd place by 1994. The release of Windows 95 contributed a
further decline to Apple. Apple’s current figures state it has 100
million active Mac users. They also acknowledge Windows claims of 400
million people using ‘Windows 10. That makes Windows four times more
popular than the Mac. However, it is generally thought that 1 billion
people across the world now use a Windows PC. I
know that without Bill Gates giving us a computer operating system that
we could easily grasp and afford, making it possible for the average guy
in the street - from a farmer in Italy, peasant in the Andes or a native
in Africa to acquire and learn a computer –we would not have achieved a
vital component needed for the success of the Divine Plan on Earth. I
recall breathing a huge sigh of relief when Windows arrived, after
seeing the exclusive platform and restrictions introduced by Steve Jobs
which clearly showed his Mac would not help us achieve our higher Divine
goal. At that time however, I was only thinking in terms of one area I
knew was needed – which was to bring all the dense buried and hidden
areas up to the surface so it could be transmuted into light. Later I
realized getting a computer into the hands of everyone had a far broader
Divine goal. By the way, this is not meant to imply everyone needs to
have or learn a computer. Many Lightworkers work through their energy
field and heart base and are not required to get involved with
technology. Everyone has their jobs and as long as we only do what
interests or excites us, we are on the right track. Looking
at a higher view of Bill Gates promoting vaccines. It is entirely
probable that because he is well known person whose actions get
attention from the world press – he is the perfect Lightworker (playing
an alternate ‘dark’ role) to act as a catalyst to bring people’s
attention to ‘vaccinations’ – in fact hitting them full in the face with
it - giving them a choice.
This gives people a new to
research the subject, be intuitive and decide for themselves if this is
something they wish to support or not.
we operate in our mastery, we don’t just believe what we are told –
regardless of who is saying it. To blindly accept what we are being told
without checking for ourselves to see if it resonates for us, hands over
our power to others and reduces our light.
have a choice to believe what they are told or to see if it is true for
them. Just because someone is offering us a choice is no reason to be
angry or judge them. Perhaps instead, we could love them and be grateful
they are giving us a chance to change. It
is all about choice. Everything is. And, of course, people power. People
decide what they prefer. Many buy newspapers filled with negative news
and live on chemical substitutes called food in supermarkets, get beauty
products to look younger because society says young is good and follow
lives of celebrities because they must be leading a better life. The
list of learning offered in a 3D world is practically infinite.
Everything on Earth will stay in some form, as long as there are people
who need it to be given a choice. The minute people decide they prefer
something else, their world changes. When a critical mass number on the
planet decide they prefer something different, the planet shifts to
accommodate that new reality and that reality now moves to the fore and
the other recedes. When no person on Earth holds that reality any
longer, it completely disappears because it is no longer needed to be
present on Earth. So, let
us take a firm hold of this and commit 100% to this amazing and
incredible time on Earth, by doing our part to HOLD THE LIGHT as things
stabilize. Let us BE THE LOVE and stop judging! WE CAN
Unconditional Love, Sandy
Stevenson 10th April 2020