






Hi from Sandy

I know many Lightworkers are fed up with hearing it is still happening, but just a bit later and then a bit later’. I understand that. But let’s face it, this is a big deal and this is a big enemy.

We are not perfect, things can go askew in any battle. We know that. We do our best. There was a hitch. It is OK. It will now be a bit longer than the 2-3 days that was planned. There is a mighty team of light involved and they are brilliant.

The Light IS in control, which you will discover if you tune in to the bigger picture. 

Personally, I am having fun with it all and am completely at peace. I KNOW it is all OK. On all levels, I trust this process. If you really trust the light and trust in the Divine Plan made long ago and see it is happening right now – then you know there is not a chance in hell this planet is not going into full light. Just relax, stay positive and don’t give in at the first hurdle. We are either going to either stay positive, trust and hold the light – or forget about the contract you made with Earth. I know how I would feel if I deserted at an ‘apparent’ first tiny hitch!

 It was pretty interesting seeing the lines of army guys turn their backs on the Biden cavalcade as it left the inauguration, refusing to acknowledge him. They are all on Trump’s side.

 I would like to point out something really important. Whatever it was that stopped Trump’s team carrying out the major plan the Light that was to occur on Inauguration day (listen to video re this) the action they took was for the highest good ---- and all that took place BEFORE THE ELOHIM ENTERED AND BEGAN THE PROCESS TO ASSIST. There is nothing in this universe higher than the Elohim (except God).

 It really is like the cavalry entering. I cried when I heard the words, ‘The Elohim are entering’. You know many of us, especially the 144,000 Starseeds have spent a very long time anticipating this outcome and have given it our all since Atlantis. Yes, we may get a bit emotional sometimes, but of all people who truly know from the core of our being, that this is happening - and NOW,  it is us.

 From my own observation, the Elohim began the process by immediately removing (and relocating elsewhere) the astral plane entities who had possessed so many people involved in the dark scenarios we have heard about. I have been watching that action occurring over the last couple of days and it is now 83% cleared. Some removals were a bit more complicated and took a little longer as there was some degree of ‘free will and choice’ involved by the human person who had been ‘taken over’ (a pretty accurate term for it). All is proceeding perfectly and it will make a huge difference. Incidentally, the Elohim will know where any remaining bombs may be located (as mentioned in video).

 Done and dusted. All over.



22nd January 2021


22nd Jan 2021 FROM SANDY

I think we all need to look at something that I now discover appears to be a distinct possibility (see ahead info) as weird as it sounds (maybe not weird to those who already know this). While I was familiar with this concept, as I guess most of us were with the huge news of ‘Dolly the Sheep’ in 1996 (info ahead). But I guess when Dolly died 6 years later, we forgot about it, believing she died because cloning didn't work and had caused her early death. It turns out the reason she died was she was never allowed outside. Maybe like myself, you possibly never gave much thought to human cloning. Although I expect many who are way smarter than me, are totally on top of this subject.

Recently, I kept hearing this term ‘cloning’ used and was asking myself if the person really meant a ‘double’. In the video ahead, again we have talk of cloning. Finally I decided to do my research (well, I have been very busy – my excuse!) and lo and behold, there is a stack of main stream media info on the area including which US states have banned it and which have not. So, based on what I found, enough of which I have listed after the video link, I am now open to the possibility that human cloning may have been happening! I am also getting, now that I am looking (from a higher view), that clones exist and it is not anything new.

I suggest (unless you are already familiar with this area) you have a quick look at a couple of the references ahead BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO – so as to help listen to all the information in it with an open mind, rather than dismissing it all just because you think that part of it is rubbish. Maybe it isn’t.

However, let us just apply discernment, as ever. Maybe all the info in this video is indeed rubbish. But we all have inner antennae able to pick up on truth, as long as we don’t let our head and emotions get in the way. It is good to listen or read everything with out intuition/truth that antennae in operation! You know none of us need to rely on any outside information about any of this Deep State /Light area. We are all incredibly capable of finding the truth from within.


To find truth. Take a few minutes to prepare. Don't rush it. You will not get highest truth sitting with your head full of 3D angst. Be quiet within. Be in a positive space where you will not be disturbed. Still the mind. Go beyond any fixed ideas of how you may ‘want it to be.’  To really get truth, be willing to fully accept the answers, regardless of what they may be. Note: you will not get truth if you have negative entities in your space. If you feel that may be the case, THERE IS AN ATTACHMENT TO THIS EMAIL TO REMOVE ENTITIES AND TO RE-ALIGN TO LIGHT. Actually, its a good idea just to say some of the decrees anyway, to make sure. If you are in a clear space then you are able to get truth.

Take some deep breaths.

Say – ‘in the Name of God, I now fully connect to the Highest Source of Light  - and I remove anything from my space that would interfere with this.

And literally ask yourself those questions you want to know



I am 100% getting it is all in Light hands. You find your own truth.



22nd Jan 2021


THE STORY OF THE CLONING OF DOLLY THE SHEEP  Interesting article covers the process and includes the data that  - Many thousands of cloned mammals have been produced in nearly two dozen species.






 There are several new Arkansas laws that will begin on January 1, 2020.

ACT 653 prohibits state funding of human cloning and destructive embryo research.




 LIBRARY INFORMATION ON The Law and Human Cloning


 Until the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996 by scientists at the Roslin Institute, the idea of cloning a mammal, let alone a human being, was an idea relegated to science fiction[1]. Dolly was created using a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. This technique essentially used the cell nucleus from an adult cell that is transferred into an unfertilized oocyte that had its cell nucleus removed. After stimulating the cell to divide, the resulting blastocyte was transported into the surrogate mother.

At the time of Dolly's creation, the technology to clone mammals was highly inefficient. Dolly was the only lamb that survived to adulthood in over 277 attempts[2]. Questions quickly arose as to whether the technique could be used for humans. Recently, in January 2018, two identical Macaque monkeys were created by researchers in China out of over 70 attempts[3]. By using techniques to undo chemical modifications in DNA that occur when embryonic cells turn into specialized cells, the researchers expanded upon the somatic cell nuclear transfer technology[4].

Soon after Dolly’s creation, many companies offered services to clone animals. Given the inefficient nature of cloning, the expense to clone an animal can be quite high. For instance, a dog may be cloned from anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000[5]. Larger animals, such as polo horses, have been cloned for over $120,000[6]. Interestingly, many executives at these companies admit to being approached by wealthy individuals inquiring about human cloning[7].

Since Dolly's creation, a legal framework regarding the regulatory issues and patentability of human cloning has created an oddly patched quilt. Within the United States, federal laws and regulations focus on addressing funding and only indirectly relate to cloning. On the state level, several states passed various laws regarding cloning. World-wide many countries banned human cloning altogether[8].

Within the United States, the first efforts to ban human cloning were introduced shortly after Dolly's creation[9]. Several bills were presented before the United States Congress. For instance, within the 114th Congress, a bill to ban human cloning was introduced[10]. The bill stated that it would be unlawful for any public or private entity to perform human cloning and included fines up to 1,000,000 dollars. However, despite numerous attempts, there have been no bills passed banning human cloning.

Despite the enactment of no legislation prohibiting cloning by the United Stated

Federal Government, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), prepared a letter in 1998 preempting regulatory concerns[11]. The letter stated that under federal law, the FDA has jurisdiction over cloning-to-produce children. Further, the FDA asserted that in order to produce cloned children, permission must be granted due to safety issues. However, it is uncertain what penalty, if any, would be involved.

With regards to intellectual property, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is forbidden under congressional measures from issuing patents "directed to or encompassing" human organisms (including embryos)[12]. Nevertheless, human embryonic stem cell lines have been patented. Additionally, methods to clone humans are also potentially patentable. A question arises to the patentability of cloned mammals. In 2014, the Federal Circuit held, that "Dolly's genetic identity to her donor parents renders her unpatentable. [13]. This is because the cloned sheep is not "markedly different" from a product of nature.

Interesting, while federal law does not directly prohibit human cloning, individual states have passed laws against cloning. As of 2014, state laws show significant variation[14],[15]. There are currently 8 states (Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia) that prohibit cloning for any purpose. There are 4 states (Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, and Michigan) that expressly prohibit state funding of human cloning for any purpose. There are 10 States (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, and Rhode Island) with "clone and kill" laws. These laws prevent cloned embryo implantation for childbirth, but allow embryos to be destroyed. Two states, Idaho and Louisiana expressly include "human cloning" as a practice that health professionals cannot be compelled to participate in under their healthcare rights of conscience laws.

To view all formatting for this article (eg, tables, footnotes), please access the original here.

Knobbe Martens - Raj D. Pai, Ph.D. and Jason J. Jardine




  20th January in Australia


We are uncovering the biggest fraud ever conducted on humanity, of a manner and magnitude so large it is impossible to even imagine. Their intent was to bring all of humanity under full control, subservient to the dark forces. THEY HAVE FAILED.

We have worked diligently for a very, very long time (since Atlantis) to bring full Light to Earth. And trust me; there is not a chance in the universe we will not succeed. We don’t know the whole Plan. It has a million facets to it. We just need to trust that President Trump, the Generals and the Ascended Realms have it all in hand.

We are at the 11th hour.  As we know, everywhere in history, in the last stages of any battle, every arsenal possible is thrown at the enemy. The dark side is now at that point, in the final throes of their existence. Massive misinformation is pouring out from them through alternative media and truthful social platforms, using comments, captions and anything they can – in an attempt to dishearten the Light Force who they are hoping that in their eagerness and seeming reliance for more information, will fail to discern and be intuitive with what they are seeing and reading – and consequently will fail to Hold the Light. When Lightworkers doubt, that reduces a lot of light across the planet. They know this.

They have intensified their campaign to discredit key people who have continually brought us truth and positivity, such as Simon Parkes (quiet English guy) Charlie Ward, Scott McKay and others. A couple of others who started off OK but let their ego and 3D emotions get in the way, creating density and tears in their aura which attracted astral beings into their field and they then began creating really fearful scenarios and doubt. We MUST be discerning and aware!!

I know what a rollercoaster we have been on. Emotions have reached highs and lows; excitement has bubbled, and then dampened when it seems something has gone wrong. The Higher realms truly understand how hard this last part of the journey has been for us all. They acknowledge the absolute dedication of the Light Force and they thank us.







Sandy Stevenson

20th January 2021 (in Australia) 



Hi guys,

I have no idea of what or how or when! I don’t know if it’s all going to happen before the inauguration or within the few days following it.

BUT --- I have absolute certainty that it IS all happening with an outcome that totally aligns to the Divine Plan for Earth’s Ascension.

Please do not lose heart if you see a fake inauguration go ahead. It does NOT mean anything is lost. It is most important you just stay calm and trusting and ‘Hold The Light’  How about HTL!! Ha, a new abbreviation.) You know how Guantánamo Bay got changed to Gitmo? Well, we have changed Gitmo to ‘The Spa’. Great name, eh! It’s all fun.

With the massive amount of prayers, requests, pleading and begging (yes begging!) and the incredibly determined and unceasing efforts of millions of lightworkers - joined by multi millions of voices of humanity – all asking for light to pervade the Earth - it became the Greater Voice of Earth.



(The Highest Angelic Force of Light in the Universe)

Since they entered today, the Astral Plane has been cleared of all ‘evil’ beings. The astral is the lower band of the 4th dimension. That doesn’t mean the whole astral plane has been cleared. Many beings in that band are OK and just working through stuff , or may be ‘badly behaved’ but are not true dark beings. However, it does mean EVERY entity who has infiltrated the space of a human on Earth, and deliberately caused them to commit obsessive evil acts such as Satanism, child abuse and other sinister actions to control humanity, has been removed to another sector of the universe (a sort of Gitmo!) for violations of the Law of Non Interference and other laws. As we know, when a person creates lots of negative thoughts, or does negative things,  gets severely emotional, or from excessive use of drugs or alcohol, they can densify their aura and create rips in the auric energy field. Astral plane entities are then able to enter through these rips.

So, with the clearing of these astral plane beings, the affected humans will now be free of that influence. However, before they are totally cleared, there are barbs to be removed. Barbs are often left in the etheric energy field of a human who has been possessed. Barbs need to go before the person can begin to feel themselves again. These barbs are being removed now at a very fast rate. 50% have been removed just today.

There may be some suicides occurring as these people will naturally be aware of crimes they have committed while under this demonic influence which may be too much to bear for some. However, the majority will adjust and many will attempt to lead a good life to atone for their actions. Perhaps the most important point is the bad actions these people were committing will cease immediately. This will increase the light quotient on Earth.  Any humans who are truly dark beings in their own right (and not being influenced by evil astral beings) do have free will and choice in their actions in a 3D world. However, with Earth now going to full light they won’t last long here anyway. And they can be handled in other ways, such as imprisonment.

It has been quite a journey. I know it’s been hard for those who felt the Deep state control was so huge and the world so infiltrated, that Trump didn’t have a hope of clearing it all out. It certainly did seem an immense task. How do you take down something that has imbedded itself in every corner of the world. Millions who, up to now, have thought themselves invincible. From royalty and governments, Supreme Court judges and the high church, Hollywood stars and singers, have been able to say and do what they pleased with complete impunity and never had to account for their actions. No-one has ever managed to get them. When caught, they are let off. Cardinal Pell, for example, condemned as a pedophile was reinstated in the Vatican in a position of control of the Finances (or he was!)  These people, in many countries, using their amazing wealth and positions of power, have bought off so many people and those they couldn’t buy they blackmailed. The outlook for clearing this massive swamp that stretched from the top echelons of the world to low positions in every field, certainly appeared impenetrable. It is easily understood how some Lightworkers felt it couldn’t be done. On top of that, we often thought we had reached a place where something would happen, but it didn’t.




Sandy Stevenson

20th January 2021 (in Australia) 

21st Jan

Hi everyone from Sandy,

Just a quick hello to confirm that everything is 100% on target. The whole plan is intact and progressing perfectly.

Personally I am expecting the real outcome to take place in the next 2 days, maybe 3. But it is really up to what is best in highest good and I allow for that.

I don’t know the 3D plan of exactly how this is to occur. However, I am assuming (and it is only my assumption) that whatever takes place will be so dramatic and world stopping that it will leave no doubt in the minds of the American people of exactly who they currently have in the White house. It may be a shock. At that point, they can also be quietly and calmly be told that the National Guard under General Flynn will be temporary caretakers of the govt, during the period of arrests. And it will make very clear (and leave no doubt) this is not a coup in any way shape or form. Hopefully, the evidence will cancel out any idea of a coup taking place anyway.

But, who knows really what will go down. What we do know for sure is the light has full control of the planet.

I don’t know why the inauguration was allowed to go ahead. I guess it could be to do with preventing bloodshed that could have occurred with that many military around. But I am more likely to think it is to allow time for people see all the plans that Biden will put in place immediately, as he said he would do it within hours of taking office. He seems to be doing precisely that.


The plans mentioned were to remove Trumps act on climate change and the Paris agreement (already done today), remove immigration laws and immediately stop building the wall. The Mexican President had worked together with Trump on building the wall to stop the drug cartels. As we know, there are thousands of migrants lining up at borders waiting for the immigration laws to be removed. He has also said he will reinstate funds to the WHO (done today) re-establish trade with China, as well as reverse everything possible that Trump has done. He is also making masks compulsory in certain situations, a rule quite likely to be extended rapidly to include everyone.

He has chosen Tom Vilsack, Monsanta (GM) to be his Agriculture Minister. Look at the backlash that is already receiving from major mainstream papers. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/21/joe-biden-tom-vilsack-agriculture-secretary

He has appointed Fauci of the WHO as his senior medical advisor. Main stream media announcement.


The list goes on.

So we can clearly see much will occur in the first few days that could help awaken the people. Is that perhaps the intention in the delay, letting him hang himself? Trump is good at this tactic. As we saw, he stood back and let the social platforms all show their true colours of massive unjustified censorship, without him needing to lift a finger. People have now seen their power and indiscriminate use of deleting thousands of accounts just based on the fact they had opinions that were not pro Biden. All around the globe, world leaders have spoken out against it.

The USA had the best ever huge economic recovery in these last 4 years and now the American people are about to see (Biden stated it publicly weeks ago) he is opening full trade with China again.

Lightworkers may have felt a bit sick if they watched the inauguration with its complete parade of dark force walking in - the Bushes, Clintons, Obama's, Supreme Court judges (did everyone see Bush give the new judge Amy an elbow bump acknowledgement as she walked in past him). Another traitor. The list is massive. The arrests will be massive.

Scott McKay did a fun live broadcast straight after the ceremony. He was reiterating that he and many others with a bit of insider intelligence info are fully aware it is still all about to happen. He did swear and made a comment, laughing, ‘Yes, I know that is not very 5D but..!... it’. Ha. Consciously multi-dimensional and very down-to-earth.

The removal of the Barbs I mentioned in my last message is now up to 77% removal.

I got this from Metatron. He said yesterday, ‘the Higher Realms were aware of the great loss many lightworkers would have when seeing the inauguration take place, thinking this meant the light had lost. And that this loss would result in a big reduction in light. He said the Higher Realms had taken this expected happening into account and had brought in a huge additional band of light to be held temporarily on Earth - to offset that specific anticipated reduction of light and that it would remain as a temporary measure for the next 2-3 days. He wanted everyone to know it was OK that many Lightworkers found it hard to stay positive and hold a stable point. He said it was totally understandable and no-one should feel guilty that they couldn’t manage to stay ‘up there’ and ‘upbeat’. And he wanted everyone to know there would be no damage from that.’ This is me talking now... I am guessing it is only being held for a few days as it will no longer be needed after that.

Just one other thing, for the lightworkers who still feel negative emotions about Trump’s personality. It is usually only about his ‘personality’ and rarely about his achievements while in office (unless it is about the pipeline who people don’t realise he reluctantly had to do to make sure the USA was no longer reliant on the Arab nations for oil). I know Lightworkers who do feel intense negative emotional reactions to him, haven’t in general stood back and detached at their bitter reactions and tried to examine why that might be, or why they have accepted the view the media has constructed of him so continually, thoroughly and cleverly for 4 years. Where else can it come from - I expect very few know him personally. But as I have explained before, there was a higher reason for some Lightworkers to hold this view. It has kept a balance and allowed a path of transition within the Divine blueprint for the people of the USA to release their own emotions of ‘hate’. I would like to add that this will all sort itself out, as soon as truth prevails. Friends will be friends again. Don’t be devastated because people you know are vehemently holding a different view than you. It will be OK.  I am sure we all know everything has a higher aspect to it, that we are often unaware of at the time. It is deliberately set up like that, to make it work.

Now that Joe Biden thinks he is invincible and has won, and goes mad with power, issuing new laws all over the place, let us stand back and see how much of a noose he puts around his own neck.

Trust the Plan. It has been a long time in the making.  The entire Universe of Light is in control, helping humanity awaken in as gentle a way as possible to avoid too much shock, offering each a chance to raise their frequency and move with the planet to 5D.

I am feeling an incredible peace, especially since the morning of the inauguration where I observed I had no more attention on the time of the inauguration and it had become insignificant. As we know, the inauguration was illegal on so many counts.

Please look at the files attached here, incl. the letter Trump left in the White House for Biden. Note: attachments include a video clip to watch.

Here we go……………….



Sandy Stevenson

21st January 2021 (in Australia) 


The people spoke - in their many millions they asked for the Light. And their GREAT VOICE was heard.

Some years ago, a new Law for Earth was entered into the Universal Law. There was to be no Nuclear Warfare.

The threat and the intent to carry out the threat that caused the inauguration day plan to be aborted, was a VIOLATION OF UNIVERSAL LAW.

The combination of the Great Voice of the People of Earth and the Violation of Universal Law that, if undertaken, would have altered the Evolution of Earth.

For only the 4th time in the history of the Physical Universe –

‘THE ELOHIM HAVE ENTERED’.  (20th Jan. 2021 USA)

They BEGAN by removing to another sector in the universe, all the Astral Plane entities who had possessed the incarnated souls involved in the satanic and paedophile rings, in all instances where it was not the Free Will and Choice of the individual to undertake these actions. Weakened auric energy fields allowed astral entry. Such persons represent the bulk of individuals involved. This action took out the base. There will be some unable to face crimes committed while possessed, who may commit suicide. Others, upon resuming their own identity and when recovered from the shock and trying to understand as best they can, may choose to atone. Importantly, ALL those affected will cease the negative actions immediately.

Those who chose, through Free Will and Choice, to undertake these actions, still remain on Earth. They will naturally vacate as the Earth increases in frequency.

Following the large removal, void spaces are visible throughout the Astral plane. Non involved beings remain untouched in the Astral plane.

The change on Earth as it now moves into Light will become noticeable.


Action upon action will be taken by the Elohim, who WILL remain until full light is restored and the Earth will proceed peacefully and uninterrupted to the Higher Dimensions of Light.






22nd Jan 2021




Hi everyone from Sandy,

Just a quick message. With so much information available now on Telegram (just reached 100 Million subscribers), I am able to slow down a lot now in my networking. Maybe I will now have time to eat and breathe!! I will still send things I don’t think will be on Telegram or if I see something on Telegram I think is really important and you may have missed.

Thousands of Govt classified files were declassified by Trump. Many, many hundreds have now been posted on Telegram and will continue to be posted as fast as they can be scanned and uploaded. Hundreds uploaded today covered suppressed UFO info, child sex trafficking, the real statistics and info of side effects of the ‘bug’, etc.  

The millions of pieces of material on this site is mind-boggling and varied. It all HAS to come to light now to clear the planet of darkness. People can make up their own mind with what they see.   

The Deep state is running scared. There was talk on the BBC of Apple banning Telegram. If that happens I will email you any way around it I find. Meanwhile turn off the update on Apple. I email that info out some weeks ago and again recently.

I just want to say IT IS ALL GOING EXACTLY TO PLAN. It is just incredible what is happening and so fast. It’s only been months into this final major reveal, since Nov 3rd really. Of course, the Light Force set all the groundwork for this reveal by working diligently for so long to bring it all up to the surface, ready to go.

With the VERY VISBLE. huge amount of disastrous moves made in just a couple of weeks by the temporary ‘new guy’ already wrecking America – clearly seen now by the many thousands of who have lost their jobs from his closures, millions of democrats are saying they wish they had not voted for him.  The people are waking up.

 Another country’s govt just went down. Myanmar. That makes about 8 or so in a couple of weeks. It is all being done by the US team - military, intelligence units, generals, Trump, etc. The list of corruption revealed in govts is growing and growing. Corruption disappearing around the globe – rapidly.

 If it’s hard to watch all this unfolding on a little phone screen, why not pick up a cheap 2nd hand laptop a local that has WiFi capability. I use a laptop – a PC (not Apple). I don’t think I could cope with seeing all this on just a tiny screen and having to continually scroll.

 There are also the other great major info websites I sent out earlier - --- Charlie Ward, ----   Rumble, --- Bichute,

 List of trustworthy channels on Telegram. There may be others, but honestly there is way enough on these to last a lifetime!

Telegram now has over half a billion ACTIVE users.  by 15th Feb2021

1. The True Great Awakening      (this is a major one, releasing all the declass govt stuff)  

 2.  Patriot Streetfighters Group Chat        Scott Mckay.  Really good

 3. Main Group–99%united  You can post on this channel. It covers many areas. Good

4. Great Awakening                  (has Kennedy picture on it)

Patriot Streetfighter             Great but he is moving over to the other Streetfighters group he created.

The Trumpist

The True Defender

Simon Parkes               (the quiet English guy - not putting much out at the moment)

Donald Trump Jr

Sophie Patricia-Davies         all about the ‘bug’ area

DJT PUNTERS UNITED          for everyone who used Betfair to bet on Trump

 QAnonStormBase                      Warning. Some hard to watch things here




 TELEGRAM free social truth platform Join free. Just Google it and download it to phone or computer. If you do it on the phone, it will ask you if it can access your contacts list!! I said no. But many others are comfortable with doing that.

 Millions are on it. Easy to use. We can all come together here and it helps us grasp an overall picture of events and see how this is bringing about a clearing out of lies and corruption and waking people up to a new world of justice and freedom.

It covers everything general interesting news, people power standing up for rights, great speeches, Covid, Deep State, Diana, jokes, JFK, everything!!!!! It won’t ALL be true, but there is tons of truth and massive amount of evidence here.  The declass docs are uploaded here - on The True Great Awakening channel

Our goal now is to WAKE UP THE WORLD so it can be raised into 5D

There are just so many thousands of things being released and made public now. Way too many for me to pass on. For people wanting to keep up with this amazing time of awakening of humanity as we clear OUT the dross and head to 5D, you can join the millions on this platform. Check it out. See what you think. 

If you join it on your laptop GET DESKTOP VERSION) and leave the site open you will get reminder pings as posts are made by the groups you join. That may drive you mad of course!!

You can join groups or not. All you do to join is just click Join group which you find after the last post on their page. There are no requirements, passwords etc needed.  Remember only one channel on there allows public to post. The rest allow people to post but it is restricted to people they know which avoids slanging matches. Totally understandable!!

People can easily go to other sites if they want to get into negative energy stuff.

 I have been sending out some very revealing things from this source, but I can’t keep doing that along with other work. Every one of us needs to be responsible for our research.

Make sure you stick to the wording ahead. There are fake channel that add a word into a title

3rd Feb 2021 


Hello everyone,

I have been thinking over how all this may play out. Trust me, this is not some Divine inspiration on my part. It is just my idea. So, please don’t quote me!

I think maybe a couple of things have to occur before the main truth can get out there, meaning the truth that will begin with an Emergency Alert Broadcast.

I think 76% of the UNawakened American people need to be awake – awake enough. That means people who have seen or heard sufficient truth coming out, for them to be able to comfortably grasp the idea that the US military are now peacefully and quietly in control while they investigate the area of foreign interference in US election. Maybe people will be told that a military tribunal will follow, to establish the facts. We are currently at 65% awake of those 76% required.

Now this is a real guess on my part. I think there may also be another criteria before it can all start  as mentioned above) - and that is the military are still raiding tunnels around the world and releasing or putting healing  (new super tech ‘med beds’) in place for those children and adults who can’t be immediately brought to the surface or they would die (albino etc). I am guessing you are aware of the child trafficking situation and the extent of it. If not, then get ready for a shock. These raids need to continue and some are in countries where agreements have been made with the govts – to protect the govt.  As long as it still appears Biden is in control, the CCP are not too concerned and are unlikely to launch attacks onto those countries. The rescues have all been running for a while and actually T has been releasing these kids for years. Many steps were needed to be able to get into some countries to reach their tunnels. Where permission was not give, they got in anyway!! Blackouts, explosions, etc are usually a part of that undercover operation in that area. Millions of children have been released... yes, millions. It appears there are at least 14,000 military (marines, navy seals, and army) are involved in just the various aspects of these operations. That is the white hat military. There is also a bad lot.

So, once the criteria are met, whatever that is, there will be the Emergency Broadcast system used. Has to be delivered that way, as the main stream media certainly wont release anything and have not been delivering truth for years. They are heading for the bin!

Bearing in mind the goal of the Divine Plan, I expect the US broadcast to be quiet and unassuming – simply saying that there are discrepancies that show there was foreign interference in the US election and that the military will now be holding the reins while a tribunal is set up to investigate. Won't cause panic. Military control announcement delivered in the right way will be acceptable. The 200 generals that came together after JFK death determined to sort out the Deep state, then recruited Trump. Trump won’t cop blame. Biden people won’t take to the streets in arms. Gentle and easy. Then the evidence will slowly be revealed, on an acceptable gradient so as not to cause huge shock or chaos which would result on a decrease of light on Earth. Shock is NOT the goal.

Evidence by the mile will be shown. We, who have been looking and researching, already know massive amounts of it, and it has been obtained in a million ways, via Epstein thousands of blackmail records that were recorded by him; through released Govt docs that Trump declassified by the thousands. Initially, the USA handled and then slowly releasing the global events as a wake up. Ultimately  no-one in the world won’t know what has happened. Well, maybe one. There is always one, eh!

From that point, Trump will be declared 19th President of USA. The truthful number of position of a Presidency, which is no longer corporation - changed to a business corporation after President Ulysses S Grant - 18th president. Trump will invoke Nesara – this is the LIGHT version of Nesara – NOT the old Deep State Nesara idea of total control. The new one is total freedom of the people. As people see their freedoms given back, it will extend to ‘Gesara’ and encompass the world. I understand there are at least 29 countries who have already signed their agreement to this.  All will do so.  I think the CCP (China Communist Party) is going under. China will be free, connected to Taiwan and USA.

In exchange for receiving slight leniency (i.e. allowed to keep some credibility), the Italian govt. (now defunct) handed over the Vatican. Massive amounts of troops entered in the dark and began the release of the children in the tunnels (as they are doing all over world). Inside the tunnels, aside from the extensive child trafficking situation, they found miles of storage of gold, precious artefacts, jewels, original copies of bible, etc, and stolen property from way back. Total is 34 QUATRILLION in value altogether, including more gold than they thought existed on Earth! Also meticulous documents/records of the source of much of it. This has all been removed and stored. Trump intends to give back stolen property where family’s etc still exists. The rest is going to be used to pay off the debts of all individuals on Earth. The money used to create debts was fake.. i.e. not backed by gold etc as the gold standard had been cancelled way back. It is mostly just figures on paper these days – digital. And the rest of all precious metals etc will be used from that point on to back every dollar with gold etc as the true legitimate currency. People’s money in bank is safe and will all be exchanged - existing dollar for new dollar of the new backed currency. So our mortgages, car payments, credit cards, etc. will be scrapped. They will be PAID off. And does that mean to rush out and go into debt? Well, that is up to you. You would sure need trust and it would need to feel it was of integrity. I don’t know, maybe it is. That is an individual thing. By the way, the people who placed on bet on Trump being next president, should really get paid out I think. If that doesn’t occur, there will be a big outcry across the world as there are millions of bets - Biden will be found to have been a false president  - and of a foreign country - because Washington DC is foreign soil. Look it up. It is official. And similar to when a horse race winner is scrapped and the true winner is then paid out on.

All truth will be revealed but it must be done a gradient so as not to reduce light from shock.

I personally believe that many military tribunals have taken place and action taken.

By the way, I think there are around 10 countries govts have now collapsed in last few weeks (that is mainstream news.) Over a thousand CEO’s have resigned in last year or so. Amazon CEO was a recent one.

I know there are going to be a lot of shocks when the world discovers who has been complicit in what could only be called evil undertakings. I have seen quite some names and I was shocked and have done some research. Trusted and well known people, including many in Hollywood. That area will be decimated beyond belief, but there are many true and talented ‘light’ actors and actresses and singers who will rise and fill that space. The old corrupt system gives way to the new higher frequency.

As I became aware of the depth and breadth of the corruption across the Earth and the depravity of some of it and the major figures involved, my first thought was the world cannot handle this. It is too much. I knew everything had to be shown as only truth dissolves dense energy. But as I looked at the Divine Plan and its purpose and realised it will be OK… because it will be released bit by bit, gently as we go. Just like Covid was released bit by bit, first you have to be 3 feet apart, then you are not allowed to hug, not able to visit, etc. etc. - each step more severe but handled by people because it was delivered on a gradient. Actually, just like the usual pattern of life on Earth -  things kept getting stronger and more restrictive until, in this case, people stood up for the Rights – which they are now doing – big time.

I am just going to throw this bit in. It is an answer I gave someone and it may give some further understanding re the child trafficking area.

The majority of humanity prayed/asked/called for Right/Light to be done on Earth. This, in combination to the event of a major violation of Universal Law that arose from the threat and intended action of using Nuclear explosion (which is now a Violation of Universal Law for Earth) brought immediate action from higher dimensions. The Elohim – the right hand of God - entered the fray on 20th Jan. Their first and immediate action was to clear the Astral Plane of all the seriously bad entities who had ‘possessed’ humans and forced satanic actions, etc. (it was interesting to observe huge voids created in the astral plane - this has changed now as entities naturally expanding into space created) Does not mean astral plane is cleared. That is not highest order. Just those entities. Now those entities are ALL gone. That action was completed – went quickly to 76% and then more slowly reaching to 100%  the next week as those people, although possessed, had added a ‘free will and choice’ element – which required consultation with their I Am presences. The removal of those entities (now relocated in ‘a galaxy far, far away’!) left the previously 'possessed' humans -to face what they had done while under possession. Shock. Many suicides, still happening. Others are trying to cope. Possibly will also face human law. A different situation regarding humans who were only involved from own free will and choice. That will be dealt with other ways - arrests, etc. So, you had a good idea re education, but will not be needed as the source causing the situation has been removed.  The handling by The Elohim includes prevention of any recurrence as Earth, in this current time frame, is quickening frequency and heading to 5D. All nuclear potential also voided instantly. Many areas being covered by Elohim - who remain now until the end. It is done.

There is one thing to please keep in mind, that will help us be more understanding and compassionate. Lightworkers are being shocked and upset by what is being revealed. I would like us to all to realize just how much harder that is for humanity (not lightworkers) who are going through 3D learning for the first time. Please be understanding. Lightworkers have ALL been in 3D before and we moved beyond that!!! We came from higher places to help.  We are able to handle this scuff easier than the rest of humanity. Help them through it – and that includes not making them feel wrong or stupid for not seeing it all!!! Got it!! We are Light Beings! We are Higher than needing to make people wrong. It is called LOVE.

We are impatient for it all to start, but it has started and is making leaps and bounds by the minute. We are about to witness the most amazing change in the history of the universe. I, for one, am so very glad I am here and part of it.

I think we are close. Weeks, maybe a month or two??.



Sandy Stevenson

15th February 2021




Re the ‘apparent’ push by Trump for the vaccinations. This seems to have confused a lot of Trump supporters who have not asked themselves WHY would he do that?

When you are waking up a world and about to launch some pretty unbelievable things, you need as many people on your side as possible to make it work smoothly (no civil war, etc.) You at least need people who are having some doubts about the opposition, so when you tell them what is really going on in the world - they will at least consider what you (the army) are saying - instead of dismissing it out of hand!

We saw, for a long time, Trump pushing for no masks, for us to chill out, hydroxychloroquine and alternate handling, etc. I think some have forgotten he did that!

Prior to his speech on the White house steps, he realised his casual attitude to the ‘bug’ was not where the majority of people were in their thinking. They thought he was being too flippant about something serious. In that White House interview he began plugging the vaccine (he also managed to mention there were alternative medicines also being brought in.) The tide turned. The American people then felt he was taking it seriously and there was a big swing in his favour.

At the beginning of his speech at the CPAC, he clearly told us ‘the world is watching’. Hint! We all know the MAJORITY of the world population are still into vaccinations. So, he had to do the same thing. He needs the world on side. This is a global affair, an Earth affair. We are part of it, but we are not it! He also had to mention Biden’s claim there was no vaccine available when he ‘took office’. Some of us have said, why bother to mention that when people already know there were vaccines there. Yes, some know that. Many don’t. They will believe Biden. It is easy to assume that because something was said earlier, everyone knows it now. No, they don’t!!! Would be great if life worked like that, but it doesn’t. Trump had to correct Biden’s statement for the same reason. Keep Americans and the world on side. That is what you have to do, when you tackle a big job such as the one he has undertaken.

It would be good if we all got quickly into a space of looking ‘outside the box’ – probably with just about everything Trump does and says. We KNOW he is against vaccines, so when we hear him push them – why not just ask ourselves, ‘now why would he do that’? Pushing our own limitations and boundaries is the route to wisdom and mastery. When General Flynn says ‘there is no plan and no military intervention’, instead of us panicking, let us ask ourselves ‘why would he say that?’ Go beyond the words and see the higher plan.

If we keep in mind there is a bigger picture, in fact, a way bigger picture - going on – and that the whole world is more important than the needs and impatience of the individual (us). Yes, I know we want the broadcast. But more importantly, there is a world to wake up and to wake it up as gently as possible, so the reveal doesn’t shock people to such a degree that we go backwards in our goal. There is timing for everything. The timing is perfect. Trust the man. Trust the plan. Trust the universe.

“If you can’t see the inherent perfection in something, you aren’t looking big enough.”

9th March 2021 


11th April 2021

Hello everyone,

As you know, I think most of us have now moved from the excited expectation of an Emergency Broadcast and thinking the US government would roll in and save the day by announcing to the world that the Presidential election was rigged and Covid was planned to control people – and thinking it was all going to be done for us.

We have transitioned through this period to realize that is unlikely to happen soon and that it is up to all of us to wake the world up and push them to People Power. I think if we look at the purpose in the Divine Plan to increase vibration, we can see why this way is more workable. There is a huge difference in pointing out to people (in a broadcast or through main media) there is corruption and bad intent from people they have trusted all their life; the media, authorities, government, pharmaceuticals, doctors and so on – than there is by having people actually experience it and see for themselves this intent in full swing.

And that is what is happening now. People are being shown the corruption, suppression of freedoms including their rights, travel, speech, etc. and starting to discover many are having severe reactions or dying from vaccines. This experience has the potential to push people to stand up for their rights and this is beginning to happen across the world. We don’t know how far this will need to go, maybe to the precipice if necessary. It is up to them. As people wake up and take the actions that will move them into their mastery, their vibration is increased. That is vital for them to move toward the new 5D world planned for this time.

During the time we have been waiting for the Broadcast and hoping it will miraculously all be solved, we have also awakened more ourselves. No matter where we were in our thinking, I think most have learned more about how far the Deep State had penetrated the world. And the things we have discovered have been shocking. Overall though, I think we have taken these details quite well. Personally, I think we have all been briefed while we slept of the events due to unfold. The reason for this would be obvious. By briefing us during the night, the Light Force would then NOT go into shock when they heard these things – which would have lowered their light vibration and we would drop the ball. That is the last thing the planet needs. If not a briefing, then we are just way tougher than we ever realised!

So, we have held the light stably. Well done to us. We went from the loss of the election, the waiting for the EAS (broadcast) and army intervention, to then beginning to accept it is up to us to wake people up. But don’t think for a minute it is only up to us.

Aside from around 3/4 of the entire US military forces, President Trump, the Generals, the Space Force and the rest of the Force of Light, we are a massive force, all pulling together for the greatest show on Earth (and probably in the universe) that covers all the dimensions; the Light Force on Earth, Ascended Realms, Cosmic Beings, the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms, the Galactic Confederation, and the Beings from other planetary systems, such as Sirius, Andromeda, Pleiades, etc. who were all pre-destined to be part of this. We also have the use of an amazing and unique Quantum space computer. In July 2020, Trump announced 1 billion dollars being put into this and A1 technology.

So, we have a huge light force in play that are in control of much of the situation. It’s not 100% yet, but a large share of it is under control right around the world. What we are seeing is just like a play. The population of Earth are seeing, through their own experience, what happens when you don’t take responsibility for your own life and hand over control to others for most of it. I have heard key people say ‘There was no other way’ to do it. And after due consideration, that is the conclusion I have also come to.

With the Covid situation, we have seen people blindly follow what they have been told, without giving a thought to researching what they are agreeing to put in their bodies. They were already doing this for years through accepting the chemicals in food and from the many drugs taken as medicine.

You can tell people the truth over and over but many will not believe it unless it’s in the news or their doctor says it. The only way is to experience it, perhaps affecting them or people they know. They believe that.

When you tell someone what is going on, some will believe you, perhaps some partially believe and others won’t, despite how much proof you offer.

I think there is an important question we need to ask ourselves. I wonder, even for those people who do ‘believe’ when they are told truth, will that increase their mastery and vibration? Somehow, I don’t think it does. However, we can clearly see how different it is when you push someone by taking their freedoms away. People get angry and start to fight back. Now that does increase self mastery and raise vibration. And I think there we have our answer.

On a slightly different note, but still in the area of self mastery. I have been sending out a lot of material about world happenings for some months. This has felt totally right for me to do this and I hope in some way it has helped us hold the light through the bridging of the transition we have all made from the (apparent) loss of the election – through the fact of the Broadcast not happening, to us beginning to see the wider Divine picture and to understand how it all has to unfold gently so as not to shock the public so they create more dense energy – and how we need to allow Divine timing to occur for the greater planetary awakening.

It now feels right for me to step back a bit from sending out a lot of information to allow people to go within for their own truth. This is vital to help us increase our vibration ready to move to 5D. It is always fine for us to get information from wherever we choose. But I think perhaps we could apply the criteria to make sure we run all we see or read through own inner truth barometer, instead of blind acceptance.

I will still be sending out some things – perhaps things I see that would not be generally available, as well as my own articles and any ‘feel good’ stuff or jokes (humour is vital for all this!)

I am sending out an email after this that contains some sources I have found useful. Of course, there are thousands of other great websites and areas of truth, but we can be led to these as we surrender.

There is no doubt the Light is taking this planet into its destined place of evolution in 5D, along with all those who choose to go there.

Choose the people around you that support you and increase your vibration. It is not ideal to have negative people in our life when we are trying to raise our vibration so we can go home.

Hold the Light. Hold the Line. Be One. Be the Love.

Together we walk in Light,

Sandy Stevenson

11th April 2021


Additional note from a friend sent to me after receiving my message above.

I feel that all that has happened so far has taught us so much about ourselves, perhaps releasing our 'addiction' to drama, releasing expectations, trusting a higher plan, and for me most importantly staying focused on the version of Earth I want to shift to and exercising more conscious manifesting.